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Parent Management Training - Oregon Model (PMTO)

Parent Management Training - Oregon model (PMTO™) is an evidence-based structured intervention to help parents and caregivers manage the behavior of their children. The PMTO method is designed to promote prosocial skills and cooperation and to prevent, reduce, and reverse the development and maintenance of mild to moderate to severe conduct problems in children ages 4 – 18 years. PMTO empowers parents as primary treatment agents to promote and sustain positive change in their families.

In Parenting Through Change (PTC) (small group model), parents learn new skills to increase effective parenting that can be used on the child in the home. Through participation in a 10-week group, parents practice skills learned in group and can be utilized in the home. PTC is tailored for serious behavior problems for youth from preschool through adolescence. Those behavior problems may include aggression, defiance, fighting, lying, stealing, fire setting, depressed mood, peer problems, and problems at school.

Learn More About PMTO